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4 Easy DIY Personal Care Recipes for Winter Skin Care

2 min read

DIY is all the rage. It's fun, inexpensive and a great way to create a perfect concoction of nourishing goodness for YOUR skin type. But, where to get started? If you're new to the DIY world, don't fret. It's easier than you think! First, decide what you want to make, then create!

First, decide what recipe(s) you want to make. Here are a few easy projects that are fun - and quite yummy! Made with ingredients you have at home!

Honey & Coconut Lip Scrub

  1. Mix 1 Tbsp coconut oil and 1Tbsp honey.
  2. Add in 2 Tbsp brown sugar and 1/2 tsp lukewarm water 
  3. Rub the mixture on your lips in a circular motion for two to three minutes and then rinse with lukewarm water.

 Tinted Coconut Lip Balm

  1. Melt together 3 Tbsp of unrefined coconut oil with a sliced off lipstick
  2. Add in a drop or two of argan, avocado or olive oil for extra hydration
  3. Mix with a spoon and let sit in container until hardened

Aloe Oat Face Mask

  1. Mix 1/2 tablespoon of almond milk with one tablespoon of brown sugar until the sugar dissolves.
  2. Add four tablespoons (approximately) of aloe vera juice or gel.
  3. Apply onto your face, let it sit for 15 to 20 minutes and remove with warm water and a soft towel.

Coconut & Lavender Cuticle Reviver

  1. Add 3 Tbsp unrefined coconut oil with 1 drop lavender oil
  2. Mix together and apply onto cuticles with a Q-tip
  3. Let soak in for 3 minutes then wash off

And here are a few accessories and tools you'll want to have handy:

  • Containers (2 to 4 oz.) with lids is preferable 
  • Mixing spoons - bamboo or metal work just fine!
  • A mixing bowl
  • Microwave-safe container & access to microwave to warm up butters and waxes (if needed)


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